Women's Right's in Canada.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
RICKIE-LEE KEIKO SUGIYAMA SOCIALS 11 MR ADEY JUNE 16TH 2003 TERM PAPER ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN CANADA In the beginning of the twentieth century, women had no rights at all. They were not allowed to vote or hold in a political office. Married women had no rights to their property or children since their job was just to look after their children and homes and the women had to be subservient to their husbands. If they were …

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…that they could work just as well and hard as men. Women back then have changed the world we live in today. Most thanks go out to the five dedicated and motivated women, the famous five, Emily Murphy, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Louise McKinney, Irene Parlby and Nellie Mc Clung. With their heart, they have achieved the right to vote and the suffrage movement. Our world would not be the way it is with out them.