Women's Rights In my Opnion

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Women's Rights Human rights is something we all have, but for others that is not the case. I agree that human rights should apply to everyone, not only the ones that can afford anything and everything, but EVERYONE including those in different countries. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) aims at guarding the interest of people residing in different countries. However, the political and cultural environment of a country would shape these rights. Some …

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…public good to its people and children because they simply cannot afford it; education comes after development. This statement manifest's the following extract, "In the developed countries, universal primary education and literacy came after the process of development as well on its way." (Kamla Ahsin, Literacy for Women) Some may see women as not needing education, but if you really think about it you will come to realize that the female sex is way underestimated.