Women and Domestic Violence

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Domestic Violence Domestic violence has deep roots in our American cultures. According to Blackstones 1768 codification of English laws, a husband was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb (hence the saying rule of thumb). Women were trained on how to behave to avoid being beaten by their husbands. In one ancient recount an Emperor Constant ordered his wife to be scald to death for disobedience, this served as a …

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…abuser is not willing to change that pattern, than there is not much that can be done. It is this psychologists opinion that It is hugely important for them to understand the repercussions of their behavior," consequences such as jail time or fines for not complying with court order treatment should be implemented. ://my.execpc.com/~mwnow/files/dv.html www.abuse-recovery-and-marriage-counse www.juliancenter.org/facts_myths.html www.vix.com/men/battery/commentary/agj