Why did Lenin and Trotsky win the Russian civil war?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Key points of essay; (for revision purposes) 1. Trotsky and the red army 2. Weakness of the White armies 3. War Communism 4. Attitude of the peasants 5. Propaganda 6. Red terror- Cheka 7. Allied Withdrawal Juring the Russian civil war Leon Trotsky played a major role. He was commander and chief of the red army, which fought on the side of the communists. As a much experienced and brave commander he won many battles against the white armies through smart tactics …

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…feared the spread of communism however as British prime minister Loyd George said "if we are going to do any good we will need 1 million men at least" The allies also lost sympathy for the white armies because of the atrocities they committed. When the allies withdrew the arms supply for the white army also dried up, this put an end to the Russian civil war and lead to the defeat of the White armies.