Why children in Canada are fortunate. charter of rights in relation to the rights of children is discussed.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Children in Canada are fortunate Compared to other countries, Canada has a better track record when it comes to following the Children's Bill of Rights. In this essay, I will attempt to prove that children born, raised, and living in Canada are treated with more respect and humanity than other cultures across the world. A lot of people, especially in Canada, are not very familiar with issues regarding child labour and slavery, simply because these …

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…rights they have and all the freedom they can enjoy. In conclusion, I would just like to say that slavery and child labour can be stopped only if there is the will, and I'm not sure that it is there. If it was, there would be peace all over the world and children would be getting paid fairly for what they do, that is even if their parents are cruel enough to sell their children.