Why Are Restrictions Placed on Advertising?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
The nature of an advertisement is so that few can escape the clutches of its message. Its quick, catchy and repetitive characteristics at the very least allow it to attract or lure the attention of the general populace. Then again, an advertisement at its very worst could directly or indirectly introduce or encourage negative behavior in its viewers. Therefore, restrictions - which can be defined as official rules which limit what can be done - …

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…only for major and obvious reasons such as to prevent advertisers from misleading consumers through falsely engineered advertisements. However, such restrictions also prevent advertisements from debasing women and for health purposes. Furthermore, the restrictions aim to prevent advertisers from overly affecting materialism. Besides, regulations are kept in place to prevent politicians from exploiting the use electoral advertising towards their needs. It is therefore necessary for every country to place restrictions on any form of advertisement.