White Fang

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Outline Thesis: Jack London's White Fang, exemplifies the importance of survival in nature. I. Introduction II. Author's Life in relation to his writings A. Childhood B. Career C. Marriages D. Influences III. Literary Period and style Jack London prefers to write in A. Settings B. Realism C. Personal identification IV. Critics' Opinions V. Conclusion Jack London's White Fang, exemplifies the importance of the survival of nature. "American writer, best known for his short stories and …

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…morphine sleeping pills. This indicated that, like in his autobiographical hero killed himself in suicide. One critic once said that London wrote the greatest story, "The story he wrote was the one he lived." London had a muscular build, light curling brown hair, blue eyes, a soft voice and boyish charm. He saw human history in terms of the evolutionary dogma, says Carl Van Doren, "a glorious, continuous epic of which his stories were episodes."