What three risks and their specific consequences did TA-Orange face when entering the Thai Mobile phone market?

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TA-Orange entered the Thai mobile phone market as a result of a combined business enterprise between Thai companies Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group, Telecom Asia, and France's Orange SA. The company decided to make an initial impact that would unknowingly set forth a new phone market for Thai mobile consumers. The leap was to cut the taxes on all outgoing calls, offer preliminary prices on prepaid mobiles at half of the competition, and finance the price …

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…the taxes on all outgoing calls, offering preliminary prices on prepaid mobiles at half of the competition, and financing the price of handsets, ultimately ended with a high risk consequence. Their massive leap into the mobile phone market lead to a misjudged outcome of engorged rivalry that caused the marketplace to get carried away in its profits. Leading the Thai consumers to be the significant leaders of the price campaign. <Tab/>