What is your philosophy of life?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Here's a philosophy for life Keep your thoughts positive... because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive... because your words become your actions. Keep your actions positive... because your actions become your habits. Keep your habits positive... because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive... because your values become your DESTINY. ~Mahatma Gandhi According to the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, a true positive outlook on life stemming from one's innermost thoughts …

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…lives into our own hands and make the best out of every situation that we are faced with. The choices we make will then determine our destiny. When we are faced with a bad situation, it is always best to look for the good and mold it to the values that we set for ourselves. Only after that will we know that we have made good choices and can we be expect a positive destiny.