What is better to have to offer a friend....honesty or loyalty? which do you prefer or believe is the best?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
When in conflict, do you value more, honesty or loyalty? Over the years, the action of lying to one has determined one's character. One can be honest to everyone and be a loyal friend. Since then, there had been a time in everyone's life where this conflict comes to play. So, which one should one value more? Loyalty is like giving your car a car wash at home and giving it a good buff, but …

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…lie, but one would always be on their best friend's side. If one was honest, one would always tell the truth, but sometimes one wouldn't be with their best friend. I would take honesty over loyalty any day and debate about it with anyone, because honesty if the first step in a great relationship with another person. One can always be loyal, but if one always lies you can never get anywhere with that person.