"What if it Were You" A very good argumentative essay aginst abortion

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
What If It Were You??? <Tab/>Probably the most debated topic today is abortion. It is uncommon for the topic to be brought up when new friends are first meeting because almost everyone has a stand on the issue, and there are only two possible stands (which happen to be largely the opposite). According to the Webster's dictionary, the definition of abortion is: "expulsion of a fetus from the womb before …

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…thus feel everything. In the movie The Silent Scream, the doctors poke the baby, and you can see it jump and writhe in pain. People today just don't have hearts anymore. So I hope I have convinced you that abortion is wrong and evil, and must be banned. Some say that there is another civil war to be fought over abortion. This might seem a bit rash, but the truth is, abortion is that serious.