What Causes a Tsunami.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
At the close of the year 2004, at 7 a.m. on Dec.26, a megathrust quake 160 miles off the Sumatra coast sent 500-mph tsunamis out into the Indian Ocean. The waves hit the Sumatra province of Acch 15 minutes later, and in less than 7 hours it reached Africa, 3000 miles away. Little did Asia know that they were about to be hit by one of the worst Tsunami's to hit land in recorded history. A Tsunami, meaning wave in …

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…have been reduced not only by having a better Warning and Preparedness system was in place but also if more coastal areas had maintained their protective shields of mangrove swamps and coral reefs that have been destroyed. These natural defenses grow in thickets along tropical coastlines and their complicated root systems help to bind the shore together, effectively providing a shield against destructive waves. They hold the structure of the land and, the coastline together.