Wedding Vows

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"From this moment, I, Name, take you, Name, as my best friend for life. I pledge to honor, encourage, and support you through our walk together. When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, …

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…thank God for you, ______, and I pledge myself to you now, to be your ever-faithful wife/husband. I give you my mind, my body and my heart and I promise to love you and cherish you for as long as we both shall live. I, name, put my life in your hands and join my heart with yours to combine into a new person, which Is what we are together. These wedding vows are made