Was Romeo and Juliets' love a mere infatuation?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The famous play Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare when he was still relatively young and able to remember what young love (and infatuation) was all about. There is not a doubt in the world that the wondrous play can be read in more ways than one, both being quiet understanding and reasonable to certain people. The play can be seen as a story of foolish, rushed and young love which was nothing more …

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…intended and wanted him to, for he had also lost a precious kinsmen Mercutio. Romeo and Juliet is best read in this way, Shakespeare would've have wanted everyone to. He worked hard to show that Romeo and Juliet's love was indeed true and even though they had to sacrifice themselves to bring together the Capulets and Montagues, they did and what happened as a result of that had a major and positive influence on Verona.