Was Louis XIV merely concerned with 'la gloire' in his foreign policy?

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Essay Database > History > European History
La Gloire can be translated as a reputation in the world and the posterity for nobility, honour and glorious feats of arms. With this in mind the question can be interpreted as whether Louis XIV was to use his foreign policy to establish a universal monarchy for himself or alternatively to use it to secure natural frontiers for France thus improving its defences. During his reign Louis was involved in four major wars some of …

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…ty of Genoa as a result of assisting Spain. In conclusion it seems that by the end of his reign his war had placed him in a strong and secure position in Europe yet his intention was not entirely for glory. Despite the fact that la gloire did play a role in Luois's foreign policy, the defence of his nation was the dominant feature. Bibliography Louis XIV by Campbell Louis XIV by J.H Shennan