War with Iraq, reasons it occurred and personal opinion on why it was a good idea.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
The United States supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war, but relations quickly became sour. The Persian Gulf War was fought because Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, grew power hungry and invaded Kuwait, thus breaking UN sanctions. The U.S. decided that action must be taken and, with over twenty other nations, took out Iraq's military. Hussein was left in power, which the world has learned to regret. In 1998, Iraq was found to have weapons …

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…refused to help. This is because after WWII, France was no longer a world super power in comparison to the U.S. and they have trouble admitting it. So much depends on the U.S. and its economy that nothing can really threaten it, just threaten its authority. This would disrupt the world order and cannot be allowed. The United States had to and was in the right to go to war against Saddam Hussein.