War on Iraq

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So it embarks. Soft-targets scattering ubiquitously, the deafening explosions and the blazing of light in the gloomy night. Slowly, the gory images of war begin emerging to our minds, reminiscing what war is like; remembering that 'the first casualty of war is truth' - a cliché 'often uttered but never learned'. John Pilger, a journalist for The Daily Mirror - a London tabloid that is not in favour of the war in Iraq, …

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…it can happen to anyone. As it is, there is little enough truthful coverage of the war in the on-going 'War Against Iraq'. As a result of the allied nations sending off their armies in Iraq, and dropping bombs all over the place, millions of Iraqis are forced to abandon their homes. The use of hazardous weapons by the allied militaries had very much damaged the environment, leaving a once stunning land petrified with fear.