War in Iraq

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Focussing Question 1 'What factors contributed to the war in Iraq?' In order to answer focussing question 1, 'What factors contributed to the war in Iraq,' question 2 was included in the survey - 'What factors do you believe contributed to America's decisions to invade Iraq?' So far, the evidence suggests that a significant number of people believed that oil was the main contributing factor to the war in Iraq. However this was a result …

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…in Iraq. I have also gained an insight on what it is like for the Iraqi people who are caught up in the middle of this chaos and it is they who are suffering the most out of everybody. It was also interesting to see how the public feel about the War in Iraq and Australia's involvement. This really was an eye opener to how the people in my community really feel about this issue.