War in Iraq

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Iraq has run into problems with other countries since the 1980's. There was the Iran-Iraq War in 1980. Later on there was a Gulf War, which involved Iraq. After the Gulf War Iraq was sanctioned and they have not been lifted to this day. In the 1990's they were not supposed to have nuclear weapons and they were supposed to have U.N. inspectors come in and check. They wouldn't let our inspectors in. Still in 2002 …

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…take a more aggressive approach to Iraq. If we continue with Clinton administration's idea we will have to deal with Iraq having nuclear power eventually. He didn't want to make war with Iraq and try to stay at peace with them. If we take the aggressive route we won't have to worry about nuclear weapons, but we might start World War III. It is a tough decision for the new administration to have to make.