WELFARE..this paper is a persuasive topic about welfare in todays society.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Welfare Welfare, money given to families in need, is not free money. It benefits many people who have a low income or no means of income at all. The benefits available are based on the level of money earned for different sized families and in different states. Welfare is also not to be provided in a biased manner to anyone who applies for it. A lot of people in today's society depend on welfare. Welfare …

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…most of the fraud in welfare. Some physicians, pharmacists, and others have been overpaid because they have made up false bills. Over all the welfare program is great idea but, flaws need to be assed and actions need to be taken so the money given out is not wasted or unjustly used. Most importantly we have to do a better job at finding more efficient way to improve the process of helping people in need.