Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

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LENIN (Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich (also used other pseudonyms such as V. Ilyin, K. Tulin, Karpov and others). Born: 10th (22nd) April 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). Organizer of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and founder of the Soviet state, he continued the revolutionary teaching of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Born in the family of a public-school inspector. His elder brother Alexander, a member of the "People's Freedom" movement, was sentenced to death in 1887 …

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…Lenin moved to Moscow, which then became the capital of the Soviet state. During this time Lenin worked out a plan for the construction of socialism and put forward principles for a new economic policy. In 1922 he fell seriously ill. In December 1922 - March 1923 he dictated a series of articles which formed his legacy to the Party and the Soviet people in their struggle for socialism and communism. V.I. Lenin died on 21st January 1924.