Vivisection (Experimentation on living animals)

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Vivisection Vivisection (Experimentation on living animals) began as early as the 17th century by Philosopher Jeremy Bentham. Bentham rejected the theory (by Philosopher Rene Descartes) "That animals are not able to reason and therefore do not feel pain and suffering." Betham's theory on animals was "The question is not can they reason, nor can they talk but can they suffer?" Cosmetics testing on living animals began in 1933 after a lady who was applying mascara got …

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…has changed but now I am even more against vivisection than when I first started writing this essay. In my opinion there should be laws to stop vivisection because companies use it as a cheaper and more convenient way to do testing rather than the alternative. A rabbit that living with the results of vivisection. Information from: Why Animal Experiments Must Stop By Vernon Coleman The Body Shop Web site Picture from a Google search