United States of Fear

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
United States of Fear After the World War II, world has been divided into two blocks. One side was America and the other side was Marxist-Leninist SSCB. These two super powers had same desires; to defeat the counter block and become only the one super power. Conqueror of this war was America. After collapse of SSCB, America has become the target of terrorist groups, mostly the target of political Islamic groups. Although being a super …

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…aspects of source, target and results we can perceive that they have some similarities and differences. If we think basically these fears are results of America's desire to continue their superiority in the Middle East. Once they loose their control they will easily collapse because America's economy directly depends on the Middle East. Fear of terrorism or fear of communism the subject is not very important; today America has become the United States of Fear.