Underage Drinking

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Young adults in this country hold many responsibilities and are fortunate to have many privileges; however, those between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one are denied the privilege of consuming alcoholic beverages. How is it, we young adults are able to vote, pay taxes, and buy cigarettes but cannot purchase alcohol? Being allowed to have theses responsibilities shows how society treats us, mature. The legal drinking age is unrealistic. Prohibiting the sale of liquor to …

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…opinion, I personally think the legal drinking age should actually be lowered to eighteen. I say that only because if we young adults have so many privileges and responsibilities, then why can’t we legally drink? Societies think from the statistics, we are all drunk drivers and cause many problems, but there are some young people that know how to drink responsibly. We are treated equally except for when it comes to alcohol. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**