Underage Drinking

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
If you have looked through you're newspaper these past few days in the local police blotters, might have noticed a common theme, underage drinking. Time and time again kids are getting caught drinking alcohol by police, why? Why is underage drinking such a big problem in our society? Everyone knows that it is illegal to consume alcohol until the age of twenty-one. Many people are in agreement with this legal restriction. Some also say that …

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…over their drinking habits and can drastically shorten their life span. Overall, underage drinking is a problem and needs to be resolved. Although some kids might be able to accept the responsibility of drinking, some still are a lost cause. The main point comes down to be whether each individual underage is responsible to consume alcohol. If the major population of underage drinking can accept the responsibility of drinking then they should be able to.