U.S. Poverty

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
U.S. Poverty One in 11 families, one in nine Americans, and one in six children are officially poor. The wealthiest fifth of the population received half of all household income last year. The poorest fifth received 3.5%. The official poverty line is an income of $18,400 for a family of four. A single parent of two working full-time for a minimum wage would make $10,712. 40% of homeless men are veterans. Up to a fifth of America's food, worth 31 …

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…case lack of education impairs your chances of gaining ground beyond that of poverty. About 34% of unemployed people never got a high school diploma compared to the 6% of unemployed people who have attained a bachelor's degree. These unemployed individuals never got the education needed to hold a middle-class worthy job so they live in poverty. This chart below demonstrates how education increases chances of employment, allowing an income that may keep you above poverty level.