Types of energy, and energy resources.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
[Energy resources]: The 2 broad types Pros and Cons of each type Ways in which they are harnessed There two main types of energy these are: 1. Potential energy 2. Kinetic energy Potential energy Potential energy is energy stored due to position. The following are some example in which potential energy can be found. 1. Wound-up spring When a spring of a dock work toy car unwinds, the stored energy in the spring drives the wheels and the car …

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…converter transfers sea waves into the rotary motion required to drive a generator. Biomass (vegetable fuels) This includes cultivated crops (e.g. oil-seed rape), crop residues (e.g. cereal straw), natural vegetation (e.g. gorse), trees 9e.g. Spruce) grow for their wood, animal dung and sewage. Bio fuels such as alcohol (ethanol) and methane gas are obtained from them by fermentation using enzymes or by decomposition by bacterial action in the absence of air.