Turn Of the Screw, The Governess' repression

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
<Tab/>Frustration causes many to lose grip on reality. When one aspires to complete a goal, but fails, frustration ensues. Turn of the Screw by Henry James showcases the narrator's futile attempts to carry out her plans. With every turn of the screw, the story goes deeper, and truth fades into transparency. At face value, the story shows ghosts corrupting the house's youth. However, the Governess' frustration-induced duplicity proves to make …

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…she kills Miles. "We were alone with the quiet day, and his little heart, dispossessed, had stopped" (87).<Tab/> <Tab/>A realist, the author uses the theme of sexual frustration in order to satirize how a woman alone, as the head of a household, could not lead without a male presence. Using the mechanism of duplicity, James shows through the Governess the frivolousness of 'a woman's place.'