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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Totalitarianism The focus of this paper will examine the political and cultural phenomena of totalitarianism, mass production death and institutionalized genocide or the extirpation of ones personality in a concentration camp or gulag setting. There was a driving force towards this absolute social and political control known as totalitarianism. It first began as Fascism as Walter Laqueur's points out in his book Fascism: Past, Present, and Future where he writes, "It rose and spread quickly, …

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…as Ivan who were convicted as German spies were given ten years. In either case if you survived you had a chance of getting your freedom. This was not the case in the German concentration camps, in fact beginning in 1942 the Jews were systematically exterminated. The concentration and labor camps are no longer, but the world should never forget what happened to the people who were held prisoner or the millions who lost their lives.