To kill a mockingbird

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird is Jean Louise 'Scout' Finch who lives with her brother Jem and widowed father who is a lawyer in the Alabama town of Maycomb. The story covers three consecutive summers and at the start of the tale Scout is aged six. During the first summer they befriend a boy named Dill and the three children act out stories together and they become fascinated with the occupants of the …

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…After carrying the wounded Jem home and keeping Scout company, Boo disappears again into the Radley house. In spite of Atticus' insistence to the contrary, the Sheriff refuses to press charges against Boo. saying 'Let the dead bury the dead. Scout agrees with this decision because as encouraged by her father, she has put herself in the shoes of Boo Radley and realizes that he could not cope with the publicity, which this would bring.