Title: Abolition

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Essay Database > History > World History
A Stronger Resistance The abolitionist movement in the United States sought to eradicate slavery using a wide range of tactics and organizations. The antislavery movement mobilized many African Americans and some whites who sought to end the institution of slavery. Although both black and white abolitionists often worked together, the relationship between them was intricate. The struggle for black abolitionists was much more personal because they wanted to end slavery and also wanted to gain …

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…was extremely difficult. All abolitionists wanted an end to slavery, but often times only blacks wanted equality in society. The different goals led to different methods of obtaining these goals. Some methods of black abolitionists became much more radical and violent to end slavery. This was a direct reaction to the racism of many white abolitionists. Even with different methods, the outcome of the effort was freedom for the slaves and eventual equality for blacks.