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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Tin has been known since ancient times. It has been traced back to the Egyptians in 2000 BC when it was used in bronze. Tin?s name comes from the Etruscan god named Tinia. Its chemical symbol, Sn, is an abbreviation of its Latin name, Stannum. Tin is found on both land and in the sea. Major tin producing countries include Malaysia, Indonesia, Bolivia, Thailand, Russia, and Brazil. Unfortunately for these countries? economies, the huge demand …

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…a little more complicated involving electric currents that make the tin in the solution to be deposited on the object. Tin has been around for thousands of years and has had countless uses. Without tin, would the Romans have defeated the Greeks? Would the world be where it is today without this strengthening metal? The answer is no. Tin has made an impact on history. Without it, we would not be where we are today.