This paper expresses the views christian belief on the topic of abortion and why it is wrong. This paper gives driect quotes from the bible and then goes into futher detail to support the facts.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The Christian belief in the sanctity of life is based on the teachings of famous Christians and on what they read in the bible, the teachings of Jesus. A quote from the bible which seems to support the view that abortion is wrong is from Psalm 139:13, verses 15-16, "You created every part of me; You put me together in my mother's womb... When my bones were being formed, Carefully put me together in my mother's …

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…seems wrong to endanger the mother's life, upon which the foetus was once entirely dependent to allow the child to survive. Another circumstance in which some people attempt to justify aboriton So, the Christian view on the sanctity of life makes it difficult for a believer to justify an abortion, it would probably mean that they would be reluctant to have an abortion but there are certain circumstances in which the action could be justified.