This is an essay written on the bermuda triangle and on the history of it, and whether or not some of the myths about it are true

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Between the Island of Bermuda, and the Southern coast of Florida and Puerto Rico, in the Atlantic Ocean, lies what is know as The Bermuda Triangle, The Devil's Triangle, and a host of other names. Vincent Gaddis in Argosy Magazine first named the Bermuda Triangle, a magazine devoted to science fiction, where he gave it the name, "The Deadly Bermuda". The earliest reported mysteries date back to the 15th century by Christopher Columbus concerning the …

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…form where the crafts were last known to be. Some skeptics believe there is no mystery to the Bermuda Triangle. In 1975, a librarian named Larry Kushe investigated in records not looked at by other researchers. What he found stated that strange accidents were not so strange after all. Ships that had vanished without a trace were actually later found. While he did explain some of the disappearances, many still are, and may forever remain mysteries.