This is an essay on animal experimentation, specializing in the Cosmetic section.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
You see it in magazines, haunting images, dying animals, and you wonder to yourself, did god create animals for testing if eyeliner was not affecting our delicate skin, or to show you how special your foundation is as it killed over 50 animals and put the rest in excruciating pain? No, it's cosmetic testing on animal and it has no point ever since it started in the seventeenth century by Philosopher Jeremy Bentham, who made the …

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…the law much before thirty years, and he gave man the job to be the caretakers of the earth, including animals. You have to ask yourself is it morally right or wrong? Just remember next time spare a thought for the animals that were in pain and suffering just to make the consumer look better for two hours before it rubs off, all for the sake of vanity and so called beauty treatments. Word Count: 818