This essay looks at Abortion. The thesis is that abortion is wrong, ethically, religiously and medically.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Abortion in Canada Why should women have an abortion, if they are ready to have a sexual intercourse? It is a decision that women make by themselves, so that they have to take responsibly for it. The Oxford Dictionary defines the term Abortion as the "termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus." Recent polls have shown that from the number of people that have abortions, fifty percent of people are …

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…law states that everyone is equal with the law, no one is above it. The baby in the womb has the right to live, it should not be taken away because of the mothers consequences, and the mother should be responsible for her actions. Killing you own child! Why should this be legal? In conclusion after having read this, the reader would think twice about making abortion illegal in Canada, and hopefully around the world.