This essay is all about an Artist of the Dutch Baroque period, Rembrandt Van Rijn; about his life and how it was important to inspiring other artists...

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An Artist of the Dutch Baroque period, Rembrandt Van Rijn was born on July 15th, 1606. His father, Herman Gerritszoon who was a miller, his mother Neeltje or Cornelia Willemsdochter van Zuytbrouck, and his brothers lived in the town of Leiden next to the northern branch of the Rhine River and about 25 miles south of Amsterdam. Rembrandt was the 8th of 9 children born. His family was somewhat poor until his mother's death in 1640 left them well …

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…life. When Hendrickje died in 1663, Titus took over the house and baby Cornelia. Titus died in 1668, which devastated his father. On October 4, 1669, Rembrandt died at the age of 63 and was buried October 8 in the Westerkerk. Rembrandt exploited the etching process for its unique potential. He was the first artist to practice self-portraiture as an area of expertise. He created a medium for self-fashioning that has inspired numerous artists. He produced around 600 paintings, 300 etchings, and 1,400 drawings.