This essay is about some ideas portrayed in "The Crusible". It tells of different prejudices that are apparent in society of the past, present, and future. Mainly race, gender, and religion.

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For many it is easier to follow the crowd then to plow a new path. In society, there have been many different portrayals of what a good person should be, dating back to the Puritan era. Stepping away from the mold always leaves room for fear and prejudice. For one to truly be unique, he or she must be willing to deal with this fear society holds for them. When one thinks of discrimination, usually …

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…it may take even longer to respect them, and even then, some will never truly acknowledge the change. How people choose to deal with prejudice in the next 140 years, can only be determined by how they confront it in the present. With peace, this hatred can be shattered, and change is inevitable. All that can be hoped for is that what is required to make these amends will be realized, before it is too late.