This essay is about globalization. The good, bad and how it affects the world.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
GLOBALIZATION Globalization can be highly beneficial for all people by bestowing great fortunes on us by increased trade, spreading of cultures and information and creating choice. Globalization does however have the potential to be so much more. Globalization can perform at a peak if all countries could be involved and not just the majority. The definition of globalization will be discussed in this essay. The positive sides of globalization will also be discussed without ignoring …

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…poverty the world has ever seen". This illustrates that globalization has the ability to induce economic prosperity, increase incomes and reduce poverty. Why should we eradicate globalization when it has the ability to uplift societies? We all benefit from globalization everyday. No one can say that they would prefer to live without these benefits. It would then be wise to focus on ways that globalization can benefit six billion people and not only four billion.