This essay is a character analysis of Frodo Baggins from the novel, "The Lord Of The Rings:The Fellowship Of The Ring," by J.R.R Tolkien.

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The Fellowship of the Ring, an exciting and passionate novel written by J.R.R. Tolkien, captures the heroic conscience that lives within us all. In this remarkable novel, Tolkien displays how greed and envy have the power to destroy important promises made by partners, but how friendship and courage can fight them. This story displays a rare example of how one person can make a difference in the world. As one once said, "The …

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…reality is actually fake. This book is excellent in the way that you must create the visual surrounding of this story, purely with your imagination. Tolkien gives just enough detail to place the picture in your mind and pretend as if you were living it. I am eagerly waitng to read Tolkien's sequel of this book titled, "The Two Towers" as "The Fellowship Of The Ring," has been a pleasure and an adventure to read.