This essay discusses why Handel was a baroque musician as opposed to an Enlightened or Classical musician in the form of a letter.

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To whom it may concern: As thou knowest, the period of the Enlightenment was such an extraordinary and important era. Thou dost not want to accept just any old person into thy International Enlightenment Society. Though I am sure George Frederic Handel was the first on thy list due to his great attributes and style in the music field, he may be better off joining the International Baroque Society. His powerful music has made "...a …

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…unruly, which is not a characteristic of a classical song. George Frederic Handel can do fine on his own, without the club, for his song Messiah and many others have made him a terribly famous composer and musician. He stands today as number two on the list of Baroque musicians, which causes me to conclude that he should stick with Baroque music and not join the International Enlightenment Society. Thank you for your kind attention.