This essay discusses the origin of the Young Offenders Act and compares it with the Juvenille Delinquents act, which was the first version of the modern Young Offenders act. (Canada)

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The Young Offenders Act Canadian society, like many others, has fought to ensure that the youth of the nation are protected and brought up to be meaningful members of the country. Despite these efforts, there is still a population of young people in Canada that fall into some sort of criminal behaviour. The types of offences vary, as well as the seriousness, but crime is still crime, and in Canada, criminals face certain consequences. In …

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…Young Offenders Act to set out certain rights and obligations of young offenders, and it has provided the justice system with a basis of handling young offenders with the greater good of all Canadian citizens being kept in mind. Now on its way out of legislation, the Young Offenders Act, despite its flaws, has helped to shape the Canadian legal system, and will remain as a great influence on how society copes with young offenders.