This essay discusses advantages of animal experimentation.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Animal experimentation provides great advantages to society. "One cannot escape from animal experimentation." So says Dr Alan Goldberg from John Hopkins Uni in US. That really sums up my first point. We really cannot comprehend how many products there are that we can't live without, that have been produced using animal testing. Things like medicine, vaccines, soap, shampoo, detergents, washing powder and clothes. Then of course there are things like foundation, mascara, lipstick, eye shadow, …

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…history of safe use] and then test the final product on people." Dr McEwen from the" Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association says,"These companies that say they don't test on animals are skirting the issue. Practically every ingredient that's used in cosmetics was at some point tested on animals. Probably a statement like 'no new animal testing' would be more accurate." Even the experts believe that animal testing is very important to the cosmetics industry.