This essay descibes the amazing life of Satchmo, Louis Armstrong, the famous jazz musician. Satchmo, as the king of jazz, profoundly plays a major influence on jazz music.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
SATCHMO THE GREAT Many historians agree, when it comes to the greatest and most influential musicians in the 20th century, one musician seems to glorify over the others. Not Elvis, John Coltraine, or even Michael Jackson. Yet, Louis Armstrong who blasted the music of swing and jazz into the music world. His charismatic personality and natural talents as a musician helped Louis Armstrong become an extraordinary gift to the American culture of the twentieth century. …

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…in the twentieth and music around the world. His natural creativity, extravagant musical and vocal talent, and charismatic personality led Louis Armstrong to be a star and influence the music of jazz incredibly. He lived his life for jazz music, and to entertain his fans. "You understand I'm doing my day's work, pleasing the people and enjoying my horn." (Chilton 23) Thus, making him to be known as the "King of Jazz" and "Satchmo the Great".