Themes of fahrenheit 451

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Theme of Fahrenheit 451 <Tab/>The purpose of this writing is to support the foremost theme of a novel. The novel that will be focused on in this writing is Fahrenheit 451, which was written by the renowned author Ray Bradbury. There are many themes Mr. Bradbury tries to convey to the readers throughout the course of this story. Some examples of the major themes in the novel are one spark can start …

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…path for Faber. Clarisse lit a path for Montag by allowing him to think about his society and if he is in reality happy. Montag lit an unfortunate path for his wife, Mildred Montag, which led to her demise and betraying her husband. Montag also lit a path for Faber by getting him back into the battle for books. That is why someone's fire can light another's path is the most important theme in Fahrenheit 451.