Theatre as a Religious Ceremony

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Theatre as a Religious Ceremony “The drama in Greece was inextricably bound up with religious feeling and religious observance.” (Cheney 33) The citizens of the Greek states were the first European communities to raise dramatic performances to the level of an art. Furthermore, the Greek playwrights still exercise a potent creative force, and many modern dramatists find strong relationships between these legendary themes and modern conditions. The Greek’s religion is wholly responsible for the creation …

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…energy. Works Cited 1. Brocket, Oscar G. The Essential Theatre 7th Edition. Texas: Harcourt and Brace College, 2000. 2. Cheney, Sheldon. The Theatre; Three Thousand Years of Dramas and Stagecraft. New York: David McKay Company Inc., 1972. 3. Nicoli, Allardyce. The Development of the Theatre. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanich Inc., 1966. 4. Wickhan, Glynne. A History of Theatre. Cambridge University press. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 5. World master Expanded Edition. Editor, Maynard Mack. New York: Morton and Company Press, 1995. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**