The struggle of facts and value in the politcal arena and its impact on the political system

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Recent findings suggest that active political participation correlates positively with factual knowledge about governmental and political practices. As for the study of politics or political systems which is one of the major division in social sciences, the practice of competent and effective problem-solving or more specifically the art of drawing out resolutions in human groups. Considering the study of politics as a science by itself means that it should be based on facts, which are …

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…two elements is some how impossible in the study as well as in the practice of politics. There might be some cases in which the separation can rise or be an issue of discussion. According to my perspective facts and values should be co-dominant in such an important and highly sensitive field. Therefore the possibility of maintaining world stability if not peace would be much possible, leaving behind a question mark on the weapons industry.