The significance of the Scaffold in the "Scarlett Letter"

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Essay Database > Literature
The letter "A" in the Scarlet Letter is not just a letter, it is a symbol in which the whole book revolves around and establishes a theme that develops throughout the story. The letter "A" changes throughout the novel and goes from something evil to something good, in this case being "angel." The letter gives Hester, the main character, her personality and integrity; it gives Hester the strength to be able to fight her problems …

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…of shame, the letter transforms itself to several other meanings and thus ultimately allows the characters to make decisions, which affected the rest of their lives. Decisions such as Dimmesdales confession to the townspeople, leading to his death, all due to the letter A. A simple mark of shame at first, this mark structures the whole novel, and transforms itself to something good, which in the end helps the major characters decide on their fates.