The realization of a man that life changes over time, and that all things that go around come around and how your worst enemies can become your best friends

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Ahh, up bright and early on Saturday morning. Nothing beats a good night's sleep with a good cup of decaf...2 cups of decaf. I'll just take a walk down to the Huddle House restaurant. I sat down at the counter and looked around me. This place hadn't changed a bit, same polished floors with same framed pictures of various 80's singers, same "old fashioned" juke box whizzing away in the corner. I picked up a …

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…I handed it to him. "Give me a call sometimes. We'll do lunch," I told him. We both laughed and soon he was on his way. I stood there watching as they drove toward the motorway and finally disappeared onto the southbound ramp. I hope he calls me sometime. He will be the only friend that I have from my high school days a sort of my only friend from my only hate I guess.