The psychoanalytic criticism on "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The main character of psychoanalysis is consciousness. According to Freud, there are three ideas in relation to the human that are id, ego and superego. Id is the desire of the person. It is often being related to something that a person need. On the other hand, superego is the moral values of the person. It led the person to hold strong to something that is right. Ego is between the id and superego that …

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…Wizard. They refuse to talk about his parent and treated his unusual behavior as some action of disobedient. They try to repress everything that to do with magic from Harry by reluctant him to get a hold of the owl post. However, at last, Harry knows the truth of his parent death and his real personality. This is a situation of what Freud call a "talking cure" to Harry and answer to his unanswered questions.